Friday, August 20, 2010


Myself as the undead. If you can't kill 'em, Join 'em.
Recently I've been catching up on reading the ongoing Walking Dead series. I never was really into them to start with until comic book guy delivered me a deal I couldn't refuse, so I ended up buying Book one of the big hardback editions and I think it's one of my best investments yet. I've already ploughed through book two and even bought Dead Rising for my Wii just to keep the undead feeling continuous throughout the day.

The Walking Dead series has revived my faith in the horror genre, for a long time now I feel like the horror genre amongst the film industry just sucks!!! I haven't enjoyed a good horror movie since 28days later and I must've been about 15 back then. After the Saw movies  got milked for all it's worth (I never watched past the first film.) I felt like the genre had already reached 2 thirds down the downward spiral and had lost faith. Maybe it's just because I've gotten older and less desensitized to such unpleasantries but I decided that I generally preferred a good laugh oppose to having to buy new underwear.

Saw, The Hills Have Eyes etc... I felt were nothing short of a snuff movie and I'm afraid I have no interest in the constant gore and shock value that they had to keep topping after each film just to get bums on seats. I stayed well away from horror movies for many years now and the new ZomCom genre that now exists thanks to Shaun of the Dead I feel has tickled me in just the right place. (Providing they're done well)
Zombieland is one of the best films I've seen in a long time, perfectly executed the jokes were I thought and what more? It's finally due that they got Woody Harrellson to play another charismatic badass.

Anyways that said........ back to The Walking Dead. After reading the second one I noticed they had a different artist after the big chapter one, Charlie Adlard took over after Tony Moore's fine work in chapter 2. Adlard had adapted very nicely to the style that Moore had developed to this series but I feel that Adlard's pages are more grittier, and creates more of an atmosphere to the drama (not that i can complain about Moore's artwork at all!!).

The Walking Dead has truly gripped me by the baby maker, and made it's way to the top of my priorities list. It's so buried in my brain that I can't go to sleep without thinking about ways of keeping out zombies and tactics of how to defend myself and those important around me, sometimes I even wake up believing I'm part of the plot. It's worrying I know. I'd definitely recommend it as a fantastic read, and you never know... it could come in handy having experienced the apocalypse before through these brilliantly thought out characters. Read it or eat it!

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