Sunday, August 22, 2010

As long as there are Runts, there will be war!

Here are the first couple of pages of my 6 page runts comic I did for my Colourstory brief. I chose to do this strip purely because of the title of the project, since it was called colourstory I thought that making a narrative piece would go great with the theme. My biggest dislike about this project was that I spent months on the cover and first few pages, it was more a learning curve those first few months, getting use to adobe, learning about adobe, struggling with adobe. I then found that all the time I spent on the first few pages meant I had no time for the rest of it therefore regrettably I had to rush the rest of it in order to hand in on time. The blogger uploader doesn't seem to like these big files. Maybe I'll put the rest up another time.

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